Corporate hotel owners are cutting essential guest services while raising room rates, frustrating Hawaii’s visitors, damaging our reputation, and threatening the future of our tourism industry.

Before the pandemic, many hotels began reducing services like daily housekeeping, room service, and valet parking. Now, guests face long lines and fewer services, while rates and resort fees continue to rise. This makes Hawaii seem like an overpriced, poor-service destination, a trend already reflected in declining Japanese tourism, one of our key markets.

This isn’t happening by chance—hotel owners are boasting about increased profits from cutting staff and services. Short-term gains are being prioritized over the long-term health of Hawaii’s tourism industry.

To protect our future, we need guests to feel they’re getting value for their money. Hawaii’s hotel workers are already leading the charge by striking to preserve jobs and guest services. But this fight requires more than just public support. It’s time for Hawaii’s political leaders to act and enforce high service standards to preserve our reputation and tourism economy..